Articles tagged as "Investment platform"
Has your risk perception changed as a result of the market crisis?
Historically, deep economic shocks have prompted significant changes in investment and saving behaviour. During times of uncertainty, investors scramble to...
Investment platform fees reduced
Our investment platform has grown over the last few years making it possible for us to reduce our administration fees to give clients better value for money.
Accessing foreign investment opportunities
South African foreign exchange controls limit the amount unit trusts can invest overseas to 35% of retail assets under management, collectively. Available...
Fund ratings: an additional tool for your decision-making toolkit
Over the last 10 years the unit trust industry in South Africa has enjoyed substantial growth both in assets under management and in the number of funds...
Access global investment opportunities via our offshore platform
We understand that many investors are keen to invest offshore but neglect to do so as they find it too daunting. Johann Grandia discusses some of the...
Rebates versus clean pricing: which structure benefits investors the most?
A key problem in the LISP industry is that fees are complex, and different platforms use different fee structures. Many investors do not understand how much...
The Allan Gray Investment Platform: high quality service with simple, transparent fund choice
Objectives for investing change throughout our lives, from buying a car or house, to longer-term goals, such as saving for our children's education and our...
Understanding your offshore investment options
On top of making investment decisions, there are various practical options to choose from when investing offshore. Exchange controls are currently a constrai...